True Blood is reviving, with a twist.
The vampire drama, which survived seven seasons on HBO, is resurrecting in musical form, per Deadline:
Speaking at a 10th anniversary screening of the pilot episode at Vulture Festival in Los Angeles on Sunday, creator Alan Ball gave details of the rumored musical version coming from composer Nathan Barr, which Ball says he’s heard is “pretty good”.
“It tells the story of vampires coming out of the closet,” Ball said. “Ultimately it really departs from the book, because people aren’t ready, and they’re too bigoted and they end up going back in to the closet.” He said the project, which Barr first announced in 2014, is currently being workshopped, but didn’t reveal whether he will have any sort of involvement.
Would you welcome a musical revival of True Blood? Hoping for a TV series revival, reboot or spinoff? Watch this space…
sigh stop messing with peoples shows
“Ultimately it really departs from the book”, like the original didn’t? The entire 2nd season was built on a single paragraph from one of the books, and except for the 1st season, that was the closest to the books!
Hard pass on this one.
How stupid
Please don’t, musical vampires, I mean really?
I got so excited then Isaw the word Musical! NO WAY!
I have to concur with every comment so far … how completely and utterly ridiculous can you be … if you are going to make a musical … at least have the decency to rename it and not jerk real die hard True Blood fan’s chains … good grief … dont know what you are smoking but STOP