Timeless is fully out of time following the 2-hour wrap-up show, but could there yet be a future for the cancelled drama?
If co-creator Shawn Ryan gets his way, Timeless Season 3, 4, 5 or a movie would happen every few years, per Deadline:
First of all, yes. I feel like the show has ended prematurely. I felt, especially in the second season, we really got into our groove creatively, and to NBC’s credit, they never had any issues with the creative. Listen, if I could choose my own path, it’d be great to be able to revisit the show every two or three years with a movie or a little four to six-episode arc. I would definitely be all in for that. We know the realities when you don’t have the actors under contract. All the actors love doing this, and if we were able to figure out the scheduling for this and maybe we’d be able to do it.
But maybe there’s not that interest down the road and tonight’s finale will really be the series finale. We don’t know and under normal circumstances, everyone would be calling it the series finale except we’re the series that has been killed twice and been resurrected. So when you’ve cheated extinction twice, there’s always something in the back or your mind, thinking that maybe you can cheat it again. So that’s why I refuse to talk about this as definitively finite, this-is-the-end terms, because our fanbase is so rabid…and I think it’s growing as people discover the show on Hulu and on nbc.com, as word of mouth spreads. I do think that there’s something in the air.
What did you think of the Timeless wrap-up show? Do you want the show to return with limited seasons or a movie every few years, or should it stay cancelled forever? Watch this space…
I would absolutely love to see more of “Timeless”, any way I could get it. I would prefer weekly. I know that can’t happen. Yearly, would be great, like what we saw last night. I hope it’s on VOD, as I would love to watch it again. I watched all the shows twice, except one. The last of Season 1, didn’t show on my TV schedule.
Now, every three to four years, with a few shows would be ok, but I would hope for a small series.
Thank You so much for showing such a wonderful show.
I liked the wrap up but still felt cheated. I agree that the show ended prematurely. The series was great.
I would be delighted if the show returned for another 3 seasons, or a short season every year, but I’ll take the ‘movie every couple of years’ in the absence of that.
BRING IT BACK! Please! In any fashion!
I would love love love to see NBC resurrect Timeless to full season status. Or maybe have another network take it over. It didn’t do bad in the ratings but for some reason NBC backed all the stinking Chicago shows until it seemed like all the NBC shows were nothing but shows in Chicago…OVERLOAD! Please give us more time with TIMELESS!!
I don’t understand how some of the crap that is on TV keeps getting renewed and great shows like this do not. Yes, a movie and bring back the series.
I’ll take Timeless in any possible form. I love the show.
I was so disappointed when they cancelled the show. I was very happy that they gave us the wrap up movie but I would watch the show or a movie anytime they decide to do one.
I didn’t watch the Timeless movie yet. Glad I read these reviews so now I will watch it. I wish they didn’t cancel this show. It should have many more seasons to come. If Netflix would pick up this show I’d be able to watch it as I do not own a TV so I watch on my computer. Netflix listens to their viewers and a lot of times they have picked up cancelled shows to continue them. People, if you have Netflix please ask them to pick up Timeless for more seasons (under “my account” then, request TV shows.”).
Hell yes, more Timeless would be great and I would take it any way you can serve it up. I loved every episode and also the movie. I want to see if they can go further and what other stories could they get into. Please resurrect Timeless again. Third times a charm right?
Why hasn’t a company like Netflix or Amazon Prime picked it up for a short 8-10 episode per season run?
Loved this show! When it was cancelled, I felt like someone out there knows what my favorites are and cancels them! .more Timeless would be appreciated.
I would love for Timeless to come back weekly.
I would watch it no matter what.
I love this show! Any way that anyone can get it back would be wonderful, even a short season. Netflix would be perfect!
Yes, more please!!!
I loved this show. Not sure why it was cancelled. Would love for any network to pick it up.
I really enjoy watching this show with all the details of the history shown and their importances. I would prefer a weekly return but short of that, a mini series every year or two would satisfy my time travel needs… lol… the acting is great, the story lines are endless and the writing isn’t bad either.
I love Timeless and their actors. Feel it was cancelled way to prematurely….
I want Timeless to come back weekly but I would go for the continuing movies as long as they would be shown on a channel I can watch. I do not subscribe to Hulu or Netflex so please NBC or some other cable station that does not require extra pay. I love this show!
todays networks are using 1950’s Nielsen ratings when we had ABC, CBS, NBC (no one watch’s PBS) now we have 200 channels ,streaming so a very small group is dictating what we all get to watch and what stays on tv the networks needs to update the Nielsen rating that shows a fair and true number rating on the shows
More Timeless please.
This is great news! I liked the show, it was a good show. I don’t understand why it was cancelled. But if we can have at least from movies from it, that would be good! But it has to have the same actors, or it won’t be the same. And I agree with Rita it has to be on NBC or something, because as with her I don’t have Netflex or Hulu or any of them either. I’ve had other shows I like that have been cancelled and was so excited to learn they were being brought back, then only to be let down again because one of these had picked them up. ABC, CBS, NBC you do not leave a lot of shows on long enough to give them a chance. And other shows that are crap you leave on and on. Knock it off! Please!
I loved the show looking forward to seeing the finale when it is shown here in the UK. Would definitely want to see more.
A really great show,great cast,great concept,we would like to see it continue
While we enjoyed the “wrap-up” and were glad that it was made, we would like to see more! As a show, it is too well done to disappear so quickly. We will re-watch the story thus far and will watch any more of it that is offered!