Time’s up, but it’s no surprise. As we’ve known for some time now, NBC has cancelled Timeless after two seasons.
After an 11th hour revival last year, the network hasn’t delivered the same reprieve this time round, with no Season 3 for the time-travel drama.
The cancellation means Timeless not only falls short of a coveted third season, but enters the TV afterlife on an eternal cliffhanger.
terrible decision i hope they find another home ,,good show great cast .NBC YOU GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION History works,,very sad.
I conpletely agree with jack de angelis who said it was a terrible decision to cancel Timeless. I also hope they are picked up by Netflix or another station. This is just not fair. The afctors were very good and the show was so exciting.
I am FURIOUS! This makes NO sense at all…I say we boycott NBC completely
One of my all-time favorite shows “TIMELESS” is canceled….sad and sickening news and a slap in the face to actually have a program that is fit – plus educational for all family members. This show would be a great pick-up for the History Channel. The world we now live in needs programs like this and it is a poor decision by NBC when all they needed to do was give “TIMELESS” a more people friendly time slot. It is getting to the point that TV programs aren’t worth watching save a few programs but none on NBC that I can think of. .
Yet another show ending on a cliffhanger. Just terrible! If a series feels they may be cancelled, especially since this one struggled to get renewed last season, I think they should end it with fans being satisfied with an ending if cancelled yet written in a way that still could go on if the series was to be renewed. Like some writers of series do, such as Scorpion did. NOT with a huge cliffhanger!
Magneeta, you are absolutely correct! I will never understand why, when a show is canceled, that the writers or whoever is in charge of things doesn’t give their loyal viewers who gave their time to watch their show, an ending that will wrap things up & give us a satisfactory ending!
Another quality show canceled while the garbage keeps getting renewed.
I know, I’m sick of this never ending (literally) show after show keeping the crap and getting rid of the junk, example, theyes kill Dark Matter and keep Killjoys. Dark Matter was much better show
I agree with everyone not wanting Timeless to be cancelled. Great show and cast.
ABC does the same thing…keeping crap shows and cancelling good ones.
Sing along with me Kevin….
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another
NBC Executives suck ass
Yet another above decent drama show cancelled by trigger happy NBC. NBC seldom give a decent show the opportunity to demonstrate its true worth. Season two of this show wasn’t started until January 2018, which put Timeless to a big disadvantage; as viewers had, for the most part, already decided on their viewing preferences for the season. This show had good actors and a pretty good plot each week, but poor placement in the liine up of 2017/2018 shows. However, it follows the trend o f NBC in cancelling decent drama shows in favor of some low budget “”Reality shows! Not surprising!
The viewing figures for S2 were really good, So must be another reason for the cancellation
Timeless has become one of my favorite shows – I can’t believe they’re canceling it! – I vow to take NBC off of my line-up of shows I watch – Maybe NBC can cancel itself and we can be rid of it!
Timeless canceled Another reason why network TV isn’t worth wasting time watching. How are networks surviving. They’ll replace Timeless with more reality crap.BOYCOTT ALL NET WORKS and Sponsers
Timeless canceled best show on NBC all other shows are crap Spending my time on all other channels and NBC can rot
Too bad / so sad, seldom do I look forward to a TV episode like Timeless. The end from last season had me holding my breath and waiting in suspense for the renewal notice.
Holy heck-a-moly NBC
Boo NBC! Another GREAT SHOW dies, and more reality shows will take it place. When will the public get SICK AND TIRED of realities shows? I LIVE IN reality everyday do not need to watch it. I LOVED getting lost in history!
It’s bad enough when these networks cancel a very good series but once they get us hooked on these and they are going to cancel, they know enough ahead of time. Why not end the series with a decent wrap ending. It would make it a lot easier than pulling the rug out from the viewers at the end!!!
I am done with network programming. I am so tired of my favorites shows being canceled. Timeless was very interesting and entertaining. I have no intentions of beginning a new series on network TV again. Too frustrating! I would rather read a book than watch most of what is on now.
I am THROUGH … I will continue to watch the network shows I do … but once they too are canceled and replaced with BS … thats it … I absolutely will NOT start watching any new network shows period … NBC … YOU SUCK … Timeless IS an amazing show and I seriously hope a non-network picks it up … pretty obvious the show has a fiercely loyal fan base … I do agree that 2 endings probably should have been written … but I place the blame for that squarely on NBC … not the outstanding writing staff … they probably werent given that opportunity and I know they are just as frustrated and brokenhearted as the hard working crew … the phenomenal cast and we (the fans) are … fingers and toes crossed Timeless is picked up elsewhere (hey out there … any news about this?)
Another good show gone because networks prefer the garbage reality crap. I guess I’ll stick with CW and Netflix. At least those stations are loyal to their shows.
Oh not another good show biting the dust too soon…and it has such a good season finale!! I hope it gets picked up somewhere cos it’s worth saving
No wonder Netflix and others are flourishing and networks are struggling. Amazing they can’t figure it out that intelligent folks want good shows with plots and not there mindless reality shows that appeals to mindless people.
NBC is owned by Scumcast.. Mindlessness is part of their business plan. Just try talking to their “customer service” department.
Well I have to agree with everyone who posted before me. NBC you did make a mistake cancelling a show with such a great following….
Very disappointed in NBC. If Netflix picks this one up, that would all the enticement I would need to sign up with them!!
Shows that NBC should have cancelled instead of Timeless:
America’s Got Talent: Officially renewed through Season 14
American Ninja Warrior: Season 11 TBD
The Awesome Show: Season 2 TBD
Caught on Camera with Nick Cannon: Season 4 TBD
The Voice: Officially renewed for Season 15 & Season 16
The Wall: Officially renewed for Season 4
World of Dance: Officially renewed for Season 3
In the words of Jean-Luc Picard, “Make it So”
Amen! I have never watched any of these shows on this list! Wake up NBC!
Keep on useless networks and we will all stop watching. There are MANY choices these days.
Season 1 was very interesting until the anticipated return of Season 2. Thank you NBC!
This was a huge mistake NBC for cancelling such a good show. I would love to have this series picked up by someone else.