The Walking Dead TV franchise wont be cancelled for another 10+ years, according to AMC.
Per THR:
Asked about the weaker ratings for AMC hit show The Walking Dead, Sapan argued the popular series was more of a franchise. “The Walking Dead is a universe…and we have a plan to manage over the next decade, plus. That plan is a careful plan to respect the world of the fans of that world,” he argued, as Sapan pointed to Fear of the Walking Dead as an extension of The Walking Dead franchise.
Can The Walking Dead and/or spinoff Fear The Walking Dead really survive the cancellation reaper for another decade? Stay tuned…
The show(both series) have really been weak ever since the big kill of Glenn and Abraham 2 seasons ago. They really need to do something soon because losing Rick and Maggie this season is only going to shed even more viewers IMO.
this show NEEDS to die, including the spin off…
I really don’t understand people who posts things like this, there are millions of people who watch these shows every week, if you no longer watch the shows or never did that is your choice, but wanting them cancelled to take the shows away from those who enjoy them is just being nasty.
TVD takes a timeslot, preventing a good new show to rise. Thatswhy TVD and everything related MUST DIE.
No ones forcing you to watch them …..
Its time to let them both Go … And Reveal how the Virus got started
Right? That was what I was excited about when FTWD started. Instead I got TWD: Mexico.
So sorry to see it go. I’ve lived it to death. But I suppose there’s not much else the group can do except nuke the zombies, hence the rest of the world as well. It’s been a truly fun, exciting ride!!
I love the Walking Dead! Not so much Fear the Walking Dead!
it is unrealistic, a dead body rots after a few days and no matter what dead is dead and after all theses years there would be no other zombies left. it lost ma after the second year
its not even cancelled ugh its says they have a ten year plan not sure why its on the cancelled list … The comics are into the 100 issues so the show can too. Its not supposed to be reality…we have enough of htose crap shows on already
I love both the shows. It did hurt losing the main people.I will keep watching it. But I will say if you don’t like it watch something else.