Murphy Brown cancelled with no Season 2? Not according to series creator Diane English.
Speaking to THR, English has denied reports that the Murphy Brown revival has been cancelled after one season:
It was an incredibly misleading headline, and these days that’s all people read is headlines. And then, of course, the Fox people and Sarah Palin and Brent Bozell and all these right-wingers all jumped on it and went “yay.” Laura Ingraham did a whole panel on it. Now you know that you’ve arrived when that’s happened — you know you were on their radar, which is good. But that was really unfortunate. And then for the better part of the day our actors were walking around thinking we were canceled, and that I wasn’t telling them anything. Definitely not the case. We’re in a tough time slot, opposite football, and at 9:30. It’s kind of tough for comedy, but we’re doing better than what was there before. We win our time slot in entertainment programming almost weekly. And so I think it bodes well. I’m optimistic. I haven’t been told anything yet, but I’ll learn more very soon.
On plans for Season 2:
If there’s a season two for us, we wouldn’t be back in the writers room until May. That’s six months from now, so who knows what kind of situation we’d be in. I don’t think I would want to be more political, but certainly the show has always been flinty and sharp in its approach to things. Our main thing is, can we make it funny? Can we make people laugh and at the same time get them to think about something? Especially in this era of Fox News when so many people are just getting their information from one source, and that source is so biased. And the same with CNN.
This is how people are getting their information now. I think I’d like to do something revolving around the whole bias situation. I’ve already got a yellow pad going with a ton of stuff I’m interested in pursuing, and not all of it is political. There’s a lot of real personal stories I think I’d like to tell, and I think we hinted at some of them in the finale — a lot of fun stuff and some new stuff for Avery. There’s just a lot of stories to tell on that level, too.
Where do you stand? Should Murphy Brown be cancelled or renewed for Season 2? Watch this space…
…..was a BIG fan of the original run – but, my view of politics has changed profoundly since and, when you shove HRC down viewer’s throats yet AGAIN (as has CBS ???????????????????????????????????????????? this past year – Colbert, ‘the THINLY-disguised ‘Madame Secretary” appearance) you’re NOT gonna EVER score any points with ME, Ms. English (I’m no longer a Bernie supporter, BTW – Democrats need to demonstrate they’re not intellectually bankrupt, and I don’t foresee that happening). I highly recommend you try to cultivate humor from their failure to recognize SO much of what’s transpiring on a widening middle ground, of very diverse, GENUINELY progressive and integral ideas ????????????????????????????, that DON’T mindlessly feed the Establishment Left’s egotocracy…..
There is a lot of humor in politics today with the orange clown in the WH!
Although I am politically an Independent, I find the show to be extremely political, biased and condescending. After a long day at work, when I put on my television, I want to be entertained and amused by good comedy [as the rest of my friends agree]. Instead, we find ourselves assaulted by more one-sided politics, which we find stressful and depressing. We want to find ourselves laughing at situations instead of having to change the channel. If the show is renewed, we hope that Ms. Diane English understands that what we are looking for is a true comedy, not an extension of her political views.
Would never watch this left leaning political show I did watch it when it was originally on back in the day but would never watch now.
Dump this loser show now – avoid the June rush.
I disagree completely with the comments above. I do NOT want mindless, unfunny comedy. I want programs that make a point and make me think. The new Murphy Brown is not perfect, but it’s got enough meat to it that it is one of only two sitcoms that I watch. If the people making these comments feel threatened, good. Otherwise, why bother to comment. When I don’t like a show I don’t make the effort to persuade others how awful it is …. I just change the channel and think about it never again. As far as I’m concerned, either I watch a show or it’s off my radar and off my TV.
Love it!
I watched one episode and that was it. I recommend some meaningful real comedy like neighbors.
Please return to the old format….I used to LOVE this show but even I, a moderste liberal, find this tooooooo much!
Love the cast….hate the story line!
I like the show! I hope it isn’t cancelled. I think the negative comments are probably Trump fans and don’t like the political comments about Trump. I find it a funny dry sense of humor comments.
So basically 6 people are not Trump fans ? You realize the ratings were horrid, right?
The show was horrific. And that horrid laugh track.
“Murphy Brown” always exhibited a liberal slant. A certain minority of America find this objectionable and, TBH, a percentage of Liberals would prefer their sitcoms to be less political. HOWEVER, IMO, the chemistry of the old characters remains and having Avery be an extension of his mom working in the same field has been enjoyable and poignant. Our adult family would be thrilled to hear the show gets another season.
I absolutely love the show. Nice to see most of the old cast back again and I welcome the new members. I hope it runs as long if not longer than the original. Hats off to the writers and the way they touch on important topics in our country today.
I have enjoyed the show from the beginning – hope it stays on.
I’d like Netflix to pick it up…
I think the show stinks!
Total crappola. Would rather watch paint dry.
Love the show. Loved it before, it’s even better now. With so much insanity in Washington, we need someone to make us laugh. It’s a welcome respite.
To all the lying con’s fans (tRUMP), it’s too bad y’all don’t know how to change the chanel. Many of us love the show and nothing you say will change that! Now pick up your remotes, I’m sure FAUX news??? has plenty of trash for your viewing pleasure!
God, I hope the rumors are true! Do we really need to resurrect another old show just to bash the Republican party and Republicans? This is not entertainment, it’s a lecture on politics woven into a weak story line.
Networks are getting lazy, they want ad revenue to continue to roll in with little effort and expense by them.
An original idea with good writing would generate killer ratings with the garbage that’s out there these days.
I think more and more people are feeling insulted by the crumby programing they’re foisting on us. Wasting our time.
I really don’t think the show is that good. I’ve never been a fan of sitcoms, but the last several years they have come out with some good shows. But I think this show is too political and one sided. I think we hear enough crap every day on the TV that we should let prime time TV for entertainment, whether you want comedy to zombie shows. So my vote is to cancel & let the political fiasco to the news.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE NEW MURPHY BROWN !! I really hope that it is Renewed, I mean and for all the Trumpster Dumpster fans above that find this Show Offensive basically because this show calls it like they see it !! Because they Tell The Truth and Our President Unfortunately Does Not Know How To Tell The TRUTH, if your Television has a Remote Control CHANGE THE DANG CHANNEL & WATCH SOMETHING ELSE PEOPLE !! We Love This Show Renew It & Keep It Around Its Great !!
Very tired of ALL media trying to desensitize the public and sway thinking to their opinions. The country is torn apart as a result! Whatever happened to comedy for the sake of bringing happiness? Having said that, the MB show has some REAL smiles without the political bashing. Clean it up, be unbiased…believe it or not, most of the public has a brain that does NOT need washing!
We watch the re-runs of the original every night and get laugh out loud enjoyment. We did not enjoy the new one nearly as much. You could re-write some of the old plots and it would be better. You changed the characters too much. Not nearly as sharp.
Don’t mind some of the political plots, but after listening to CNN,
MSMBC and the View, which we agree with, we need a good laugh to help forget what we are dealing with daily .
Would love to see it renewed but go back to some of the old ideas. They are timeless.
Love the show, we didn’t see 13 episodes, love the format, it was always left leaning, but funny, entertaining and interesting to see evolving characters, new too like
Tyne Daly…….
One of the best written comedies on TV. Funny, and the chemistry of the cast is phenomenal! If this is cancelled, then something is wrong in the world of “smartness”.