Mom cancelled soon?
With cast contracts expiring at the end of the current sixth season, CBS and producer Warner Bros. are preparing new deals for stars Anna Faris and Allison Jamey to avert cancellation, per Deadline:
In preparation for a possible renewal, I hear producing studio Warner Bros. TV over the past month or so reached out to Faris and Janney about new deals. I hear the two actresses went in together and there has been some initial back and forth but the two sides are still very far apart on the money as Faris and Janney are seeking significant salary increases. All parties involved declined comment.
Faris and Janney are believed to be currently making under $200,000 an episode each. That is well below the $1 million an episode the five main stars of Big Bang were getting by Season 8. Big Bang is one of those singular giant hits that are in a league of their own. But Mom has been a strong performer for CBS and WBTV. In addition to its solid ratings on the network, Mom, which crossed the 100 episode mark last season, has been sold to TV Land and CMT in off-network syndication and to the Tribune stations in broadcast syndication.
Should Mom be cancelled after six seasons? Do you want Mom Season 7 and perhaps even more beyond that? Stay tuned for the final verdict…
i think the show has run it’s course and is time for it to go into the sunset.
I hope the show gets renewed. It is a funny, very relevant show. I really also want to see what happened to the Anna’s kids, former husband, his wife, and a further development of Anna and Allison’s characters, and others as well. I think that if the show updated on the early subsidiary characters it would really bring back more of the comedic pop, and leave many ideas for the shows theme.
Then stop watching but it doesn’t need to go off the air.
I say cancel it. I never have watched it myself. But im so tired of these ppl crying about getting 200k an episode. Thats more money then most HARD WORKING ppl make a year. Hell a lot of pple take a few years to make that and they want to cry about making 200K for what 8 to 10 hours to make one episode.
I hope they renew this show, I really enjoy watching it!
It’s very hard to feel sorry for people making $4,400,000 for 22 weeks of work.
And this article is written in the style that become the way people try to get something they may not deserve.
Pointing to the cast in “the Big Bang Theory” is a false narrative. That show has been on for 12 years and was a monster hit almost from the beginning. And throwing in the snide remark ‘five man cast” that five man cast has a WOMAN in it Kaley Cuoco who’s making a million per.
I hope this site will stop writing stories meant to separate us into aggrieved groups eg, men vs women or black vs white. It’s getting REALLy old.
As for this particular show. It’s lost some of the freshness we saw early on. It’s settled into the usual course for TV shows these days; politics. Apparently writers can’t just write stories anymore, they have to weave in their own political beliefs into the fabric of the episode.
If they can’t find a way to freshen this show up. Mom won’t be worth paying them that much money.