Cancel your plans for Fargo this year.
The anthology series’ fourth season wont air until 2020, FX has confirmed:
Season 4 of #Fargo is on its way, #FX CEO John Landgraf says. Production is expected to begin this coming winter. #TCA19
— Kristi Turnquist (@Kristiturnquist) February 4, 2019
Fargo Season 4 might be delayed, but FX has confirmed interest in Season 5 beyond:
“We’ll make [Fargo] forever if [series creator Noah Hawley] keeps coming up with great ideas.”
alrighty then Noah Hawley now writing 4th installment of #Fargo which is expected to go into production next winter. "We'll make them forever if he keeps coming up with great ideas" -Landgraf #TCA19
— John Jurgensen (@johnjurg) February 4, 2019
They've heard the pitch and read the first script for the next season of #Fargo and Landgraf says he "absolutely loved it." #FX #TCA19 @FargoFX
— Alicia Lutes (@alicialutes) February 4, 2019
How many seasons do you want Fargo to run? Stay tuned as continually monitor the cancel/renew status of Fargo Season 5, and potentially, beyond…
I like Fargo I want it for as long as they can come up with a interesting cast and story line, unfortunately good shows have a tendency to run flat toward the end.
Love Fargo can’t understand the delay. My husband and I watch this together and really enjoy the storylines. Ok if I have to wait as long as you keep the seasons coming!!
If they keep up the quality, more seasons will be welcome. I wasn’t expecting much that first season. But I’ve been very happy with the all seasons so far.